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Best Project Management Tools for Remote Workers

  • 9 min read

Remote work has taken the world by storm, and it’s clear that office cubicles are becoming as obsolete as a flip phone. Companies are freeing their employees from the shackles of the 9-to-5 grind and granting them the gift of telecommuting. But, just because you can work from anywhere, doesn’t mean you’ll work effectively anywhere. Communication, coordination, and deadlines are like the Three Musketeers of remote work, but without a project management tool to keep them in check, they can quickly turn into the Three Stooges. But, fear not! This article is here to save the day, like a trusty project management tool, by discussing the importance of these tools for remote workers and presenting a rundown of the best tools available. It’s time to upgrade from a flip phone to a smart phone for project management.

Understanding Project Management Tools

Project management tools are the wizards behind the curtain of remote work, orchestrating the complex symphony of tasks, resources, and communication with effortless grace. They are the digital glue that binds remote teams together, providing a centralized platform to streamline every project detail from task assignments to scheduling and beyond.

With remote work on the rise, project management tools are no longer a luxury, but a necessity. They help overcome the age-old challenge of working in disparate locations, transforming communication barriers into bridges, and giving remote teams the visibility they need to coordinate and get the job done.

Think of project management tools as your remote team’s trusty sidekick, always at the ready with a chuckle and a helping hand. They offer an array of features, each more impressive than the last, ranging from resource allocation to document management, and even a little light reporting for good measure.

And the best part? There’s a project management tool for every remote team, whether you’re working with a small group of two or a larger ensemble of twenty. So sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the best project management tools for remote workers, discussing pricing, benefits, and all the features that make them a must-have for your remote team.

Best Project Management Tools for Remote Workers

  1. Asana
  2. Trello
  4. Slack
  5. Basecamp
  6. Airtable
  7. Microsoft Teams
  8. ClickUp


Asana is the captain of the ship when it comes to project management tools. It steers teams towards smooth and organized journeys, while keeping everything on track and in order. This web-based software sets the course for success, allowing teams to plot their projects, tasks, and subtasks like landmarks on a map, with due dates serving as beacons for arrival. And with Asana at the helm, communication and collaboration are effortless as teams can send signals to each other by attaching files and leaving notes on tasks, making sure everyone stays on the same page.

Asana’s visual overview is like the ship’s compass, guiding teams towards their destination and keeping them aware of their progress. The captain knows who is responsible for each task and when it’s due, and so will you. With options ranging from free to fit all budgets, Asana is the perfect vessel for teams of any size, setting sail on a journey towards project management bliss.


Trello is the jester of project management tools, entertaining remote workers with its colorful and whimsical approach to organization. With its card-based visual system, it brings a playful touch to what can sometimes be a dull and monotonous process. Think of Trello as a deck of cards, each one representing a task or project, ready to be shuffled, rearranged, and tackled. And with its seamless integration with other tools, Trello is like the clown car of project management tools, fitting in more functionality than you’d expect. So, if you’re looking for a project management tool that won’t take itself too seriously, Trello is the court jester for you.

This project management tool is a visual platform that sets the beat for its users, keeping everyone in sync with real-time updates and communication. With features like project templates, calendars, and reports, is a versatile tool that can adapt to the unique needs of any remote team. And like a maestro, streamlines the project management process by allowing users to create custom workflows and automate repetitive tasks. With its user-friendly interface, is the perfect choice for remote teams looking for a comprehensive solution to bring their work to life.


With a user-friendly interface, it’s like playing an instrument that’s in tune, and it’s easy to hit the right notes. Slack’s messaging, file sharing, and task management features provide a wide range of options, and its integration with other tools and apps makes it a central hub for all your project management needs. It’s like having a symphony of tools at your fingertips, all working together to create a harmonious work environment. And with customization options, it’s like having a personal maestro to direct the performance to your team’s unique rhythm. So let’s raise the curtain on productivity and let Slack lead the way for remote teams to communicate, collaborate, and create beautiful music together.


Basecamp is like a one-stop-shop for remote teams, providing a centralized hub for all project-related activities. It’s like a virtual office, complete with a filing cabinet, water cooler, and a to-do list on the fridge, where remote workers can keep up with their team’s progress and tasks. With its user-friendly interface, Basecamp is the perfect tool for remote workers who like to keep their work organized and on track, without having to leave the comfort of their own home. Whether you’re at your desk or on the go, Basecamp’s mobile apps keep you connected and in the loop, allowing you to stay on top of deadlines and progress, like a superhero keeping an eye on their city from above. With Basecamp, remote teams can easily collaborate and make informed decisions, ensuring projects are delivered on time, every time.


It’s the perfect disguise for remote workers seeking to manage projects with a mix of organization and flair. The interface is a breeze, a veritable playground for keeping track of tasks and workflows, customizing project templates, and even integrating with other tools for added versatility. Whether you’re a lone ranger or part of a posse, Airtable keeps you on top of your projects like a hawk, swooping in to keep your work life organized and seamless, even from afar.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a virtual workplace, where remote workers can come together and tackle their projects like a well-oiled machine. It’s a one-stop-shop for all things collaboration, offering seamless communication, file sharing, task management, and more. Teams serves as the command center for all project activity, giving remote workers a clear view of progress and task completion, without having to leave their desks. It’s not just a project management tool, it’s a productivity powerhouse, with video conferencing, screen sharing, and instant messaging capabilities that keep remote workers connected and humming along, no matter the distance.


ClickUp is a project management tool that acts like the conductor of a symphony, orchestrating the tasks, deadlines, and communications of remote teams with ease. Its customizable interface allows remote workers to fine-tune their work processes, while its integration with other tools and applications ensures they are always in harmony with the rest of their team. With ClickUp, remote teams can track their progress with the precision of a stopwatch and make decisions with the clarity of a crystal ball, ensuring the success of their projects, one beat at a time.

Implementing and Using a Project Management Tool

Implementing project management tools is like planting a seed in fertile soil – it requires care and attention but will yield a bountiful harvest of productivity and organization. Here are some gardening tips to help that seed grow into a flourishing remote work environment.

  1. Identify your needs: Identifying the specific needs of your team and project is like deciphering a treasure map leading to productivity. Task assignment and management, team communication, and document storage are just a few of the glittering gems to be found on this journey.
  2. Evaluate options: Dive into the vast ocean of project management tools and weigh their merits like a seafarer comparing the treasures of different islands. Compare their feature sets, cost, and ease of navigation to determine which one will lead your team to project success.
  3. Choose a tool: Select the tool that resembles a tailor-made suit for your team’s needs and budget, then “sew” yourself in with a signed account.
  4. Setup Tool: Put your nose to the grindstone and set up your projects, tasks, and team members in the tool like a true master of efficiency. Take the time to fiddle with the knobs and buttons, fine-tuning every single preference and setting to your exacting standards.
  5. Train your team: Make sure all team members are well-versed in the ancient art of using the tool and have an intimate understanding of its mystical features, or else it’s gonna be a real wild ride.
  6. Get started with the tool: Begin your journey into the world of efficiency, where projects, tasks, and communications become manageable wonders, with a flick of a switch, or rather, the click of a button in your trusty project management tool.
  7. Ongoing Evaluation: Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the tool and “tweak” it like a chef adjusting the spices in a recipe, until it’s just right for your team’s unique flavor of productivity.


In conclusion, project management tools are the cherry on top of the remote work sundae, providing a one-stop-shop for team collaboration, task management, and organization. With so many options available, it’s like navigating through a maze of unicorns, to find the one that’s just right for your team. But once you’ve chosen your trusty steed, it’s like seeing a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day – your remote work productivity and efficiency will soar. Just don’t forget to occasionally check in on your unicorn and make any necessary adjustments, to keep your team’s goals on track and your remote work journey smooth sailing.