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How to Find and Succeed in Remote Writing Jobs

  • 7 min read

As more and more companies are opting for digital content, the demand for talented writers has skyrocketed. The beauty of remote writing jobs is that you can work from the comfort of your own home, or a beach in Bali, as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection. Imagine having the power to balance your career with your personal life, it’s like having your cake and eating it too!

In this guide, we’ll delve into the vast world of remote writing jobs, from the various types available to finding the right fit for you, setting it up, and ensuring your success. Get ready to say goodbye to the daily commute and hello to the freedom of remote work!

Different types of remote writing jobs

Content writing

Words are weapons, and content writing is a battlefield where the pen is mightier than the sword. It’s a form of remote writing that demands a mastery of the written language, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to craft words that not only inform, but also captivate and persuade. It’s about transforming complex messages into digestible nuggets of information, and sending them out into the digital world to do battle with your audience’s attention. So if you’re looking to hone your writing skills and flex your literary muscles, content writing might just be the challenge you’ve been looking for.

Some examples of content writing include:

  • blog post
  • website content
  • Product Description
  • social media post
  • Press release
  • newsletter
  • white paper
  • e-book

How to be a successful content writer

In the world of content writing, being a wordsmith is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly shine, one must possess a versatile writing style, a meticulous eye for detail, and the wherewithal to conduct thorough research. But let’s not forget, a content writer is a jack-of-all-trades, working solo but not alone. With a team of editors, marketers, and other masterminds in the mix, top-notch communication and collaboration skills are essential to truly succeed.

Useful resources: The Top 10 Richest Bloggers Earned Millions Last Year


Copywriting is like a magician’s wand, weaving words to cast a spell and convince the audience to take action. From TV commercials to online ads, a copywriter’s aim is to create copy so mesmerizing, it leaves the audience with no choice but to buy a product or sign up for a service. The art of copywriting can be found in various mediums, from print ads to brochures, each one requiring a masterful touch.

How to be a successful copywriter

Copywriting is like a high-stakes game of persuasion. A skilled copywriter needs to be a master of their audience’s language, able to paint a picture with words and leave a lasting impression. It’s not just about stringing together a few sentences, but crafting a story that compels action. And just like a tightrope walker, a copywriter must balance creative expression with the constraints of space and time. It’s a challenge, but the payoff is worth it when you can take a mundane ad and turn it into a masterpiece that sells.

Technical writing

Technical writing is like building a bridge between tech-savvy engineers and the average Joe. It’s a remote writing gig where you take the technical jargon, wrap it up in simple language, and deliver it to the masses. You’re essentially the translator, turning “rocket science” into a simple manual for the everyday user. You’ll be tasked with crafting user manuals, guides, and instructional materials that turn even the most complex of tech products into a breeze to use. Whether it’s a user manual, product manual, installation guide, FAQs, or an online help system, technical writing is all about making technology accessible to everyone.

How to be a successful technical writer

As a technical writer, it’s not enough to simply know the ins and outs of your subject matter – you need to have a gift for gab, a way with words, and a mastery of the written language that would make Shakespeare green with envy. And let’s not forget, you’ll also need to have the time-management skills of a top-notch CEO, the self-sufficiency of a solitary hermit, and the deadline-meeting abilities of a world-class sprinter.

Creative writing

Creative writing is like a playground for the imagination, a distance dance with words where writers can unleash their inner artist and unleash their artistic visions. From short stories to novels, poems to screenplays, and even video game scripts, creative writing is a canvas where one can paint their thoughts and emotions in vivid hues and endless possibilities.

How to be a successful creative writer

Creative writing is like painting with words, where writers let their imagination run wild and bring their tales to life on the canvas of the page. It’s not for the faint of heart, it takes a vivid imagination and a masterful understanding of the art of storytelling to create truly captivating characters and plotlines. And just like any true masterpiece, a creative writer must be able to work solo, manage their time with the precision of a Swiss watch, and meet deadlines with the punctuality of a train. But let’s not forget, even the greatest artists need a critique or two, so strong communication and collaboration skills are crucial when working with editors, publishers, and other creative masterminds.

Useful resources: 5 Creative Writers You Can Learn From


It’s about putting your investigative skills to the test, sniffing out the facts and presenting them to the public with all the flair and panache of a seasoned performer. Whether it’s breaking the latest scoop in politics, uncovering the juiciest sports gossip, or exposing the next big business scandal, journalism is about bringing the world to your audience’s doorstep, one deadline at a time.

How to be a successful journalist

As a journalist, you’ll have to don the detective hat, sharpen your pen, and be ready to hit the ground running. It’s like being a bloodhound, sniffing out the latest scoop and writing with unwavering impartiality. With the clock ticking and deadlines looming, you must be a master of time management and solo sprints. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone in this race. You’ll be working with a crack team of editors, producers, and other industry heavyweights, so brush up on your teamwork skills too.


In conclusion, remote writing is a veritable smorgasbord of opportunities, serving up dishes like content writing, copywriting, technical writing, creative writing, and journalism. Each of these delicacies requires its own unique ingredients and can be found on menus across numerous industries.

To dine in style, it’s crucial to understand the diverse offerings on the remote writing menu, and what’s required to prepare them to perfection, ensuring you find the right dish to satisfy your skills, interests, and lifestyle.

And don’t forget, no meal is complete without the proper utensils – a generous helping of independence, a dash of time management, and a pinch of deadline-meeting prowess are all essential ingredients to enjoy the feast of remote writing success. A healthy appetite for collaboration and communication is also recommended.

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