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Keep Your Team Engaged and Motivated With Fun Rewards

  • 4 min read

Employee motivation is like a plant that needs constant watering to bloom and thrive. But with remote work, it’s like that plant has been left to wilt in a dark corner. Offering exciting and creative rewards is like giving that plant the necessary sunlight and water to grow. These rewards can be the secret ingredient to help boost morale, promote productivity, and foster a positive work culture. In this article, we will explore some fun and unique ways to keep your team engaged and motivated with creative rewards that will make them feel like they won the lottery.

Types of Rewards

Monetary Rewards

Money makes the world go round, and monetary rewards are the icing on the cake for hard-working employees. These financial incentives, including bonuses, salary increases, profit-sharing, and stock options, are a tried and tested way to motivate those who are motivated by nothing but cold, hard cash.

However, it’s worth noting that not everyone is driven purely by financial gain. Some employees value the intangible benefits of flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and recognition programs more than they do cash.

Best Practices: While monetary rewards are a powerful motivator, a mix of both tangible and intangible rewards may be the key to keeping employees engaged and motivated.

Non-Monetary Rewards

These rewards may not be as tangible as monetary rewards, but they can be just as effective in motivating and engaging employees. Think of them as the little moments of joy that can make a big difference in the workplace. Non-monetary rewards can come in many forms, such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and recognition programs. They help create a work culture that is positive and supportive, where employees feel valued and appreciated. Useful resources: The 15 best non-monetary rewards that will motivate your employees

Fun Rewards Ideas

  • Virtual team-building events
  • Personalized rewards
    • Thank-you cards or emails
    • Employee spotlight
    • Personalized gifts
  • Professional Development
    • Training and development opportunities
    • Conferences or seminars
    • Certifications
  • Health and Wellness
    • Fitness memberships
    • Meditation sessions
    • Healthy snacks delivery

Implementing the Reward System

  • Set clear goals: Let’s embark on a thrilling journey of goal-setting, where we provide employees with a treasure map that leads to a chest full of rewards. Setting clear and specific goals is like planting a seed of direction in the minds of employees. This seed grows into a tree of understanding and helps employees navigate through their work life like seasoned sailor.
  • Choose the right rewards: Rewards can be the perfect carrot to dangle in front of your employees, but not just any old carrot will do. You need to find a carrot that is meaningful to them and ignites their inner fire. To do this, you could conduct surveys or host focus groups, but why stop there? Why not cozy up to your employees and have individual conversations to really get to know their interests, preferences, and needs?
  • Make the rewards visible: Let the rewards be flaunted like peacock feathers! Make them loud and clear, so that the whole team can ogle and gawk at them. Publicize the rewards far and wide, to create a competitive atmosphere and motivate other employees to hustle hard and reach their goals.
  • Create a fair system: Let’s not keep the reward system a secret society, shall we? It’s crucial to make sure it’s transparent and fair like Lady Justice herself. Employees should have a clear understanding of how the system operates, what the rewards are, and the path to earning them. To avoid confusion and chaos, it’s important to lay out the criteria used to evaluate their performance like a roadmap to treasure.
  • Measure results: Now that you have established the reward system, you must keep tabs on how effective it is. Don’t be lazy and make an effort to gather feedback from employees and track their progress towards the goals. This will help you figure out what’s going well and what’s going down the drain, and you can adjust the system accordingly.

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Rewards are like fuel for employees – they ignite their passion and drive towards success. Monetary rewards and non-monetary incentives are both excellent ways to keep your team engaged and productive. The key is to ensure that the reward system matches your company’s identity and is tailored to your employees’ interests and preferences. By offering creative and meaningful rewards, you’ll be fueling the fire of motivation and creating a workplace culture that radiates positivity, collaboration, and a sense of pride. So, let the sparks fly, and watch your team flourish!